Campus Academic Resources
Please take advantage of the resources below so we can help you achieve your academic goals -- and let us know ASAP if you are running into difficulty. We want you to be successful!
Time Management & Study Strategies
- Weekly planner ==> Plan to succeed
- Use ACTIVE study strategies ==> from Oregon State University
- Research paper planner ==> excellent and easy-to-use - Kansas State Univ
- The Curve of Forgetting ==> Explains how regular review helps memory - Univ of Waterloo, Canada
- UM Learning Assistance Service ==> 2nd floor, Shoemaker Hall. Walk-in or call 301-314-7693.
- GPA Calculator ==> TESTUDO
Math & Science - Tutorial Resources
- Chemistry exams - straightforward and helpful -- Frostburg State University
- Organic Chemistry - advice from students and faculty; includes study guides
- Math Success - sponsored by UM Resident Life, it's right on campus -- and FREE
- Math Study Skills - see left margin for excellent learning strategies -- Mission College, CA
- Math Test Bank & Tutorial Assistance - provided by the UM Math Dept
- R - Tutorials for Non-Programmer Datascientists
- StatSoft - an online statistics textbook
- For a list of paid tutors: for BSCI -->go to 3122 SYM; for CHEM --> go to 2102 CHM.
- AAP - Academic Achievement Programs - 2204 Marie Mount Hall - offers tutors in BSCI, CHEM, ECON, and MATH.
- OMSE - Office of Multi-Ethnic Student Education - 1101 HBK - offers individual and small group help in Math, science, economics, and statistics. Click HERE for updated schedule.
- University Honors Program - Honors students volunteer to tutor many topics, including MATH and Science
- Khan Academy - online videos: Math, Chemistry, Statistics, etc.
Research & Writing - Resources
- How do I know it's a scholarly source? - Univ of Maryland Libraries
- The University as an Intellectual Community - student-friendly and thought-provoking ideas for everyone - from Princeton Univ
- How to improve your writing - simple suggestions ==> big improvements - Univ of Wisconsin
- Annotated bibliographies - Cornell University
- Zotero - a FREE research tool that collects, manages, and cites research sources; it's easy to use and lives in your Firefox browser - Univ of Arkansas
- Research paper planner ==> excellent and easy-to-use - Kansas State Univ
- UM Libraries - more than just books; help, too!
- UM Writing Center - 1205 Tawes Hall - free help with ALL writing assignments
- UM Office of Student Conduct - 2118 Mitchell Building
FREE and Confidential - Personal Support
- UM Counseling Center - First floor, Shoemaker Hall. Walk-in or call 301-314-5671
- UM Health Center - across from Stamp Student Union. Walk-in or call 301-314-8106
- UM Help Center Hotline - Call: 301-314-HELP. May be available for walk-ins; call first.
What you need to know about the Repeat Policy, Probation and Academic Dismissal
- Repeat Policy
- Academic Probation
- Academic Dismissal
- GPA Calculator ==> from TESTUDO