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Student Initiated Courses

Do you have a passion you wish you could share with your fellow students?
Are you interested in teaching an official, for-credit class?

Join STICs!

Student-Initiated Courses (STICs) is a program that helps students design, develop, and eventually teach 1-credit classes to undergraduates with the guidance of a faculty advisor. There are similar models across the country at places like UC Berkeley, Stanford, and Carnegie Mellon. Last semester, the first STIC was taught by two undergraduates in the computer science department. This semester, the program has grown to seven STICs offered across five departments:

ENSP399E: The Role of Evidence-Based Advocacy in Environmental Politics
BMGT298B: Introduction to Product Design
MATH299N: Mathematics of Ramanujan
MUSC248D: Rapping it Up: An Analysis of Hip Hop Music
CMSC389K: Full-stack Web Development with Node.js
CMSC389L: Practical Cloud Computing with AWS
CMSC389O: The Coding Interview

Why should I facilitate a STIC?
Facilitating a STIC is an amazing learning opportunity and a rewarding experience. “The best way to learn is to teach,” and so you end up mastering whatever topic you teach. You develop a close relationship with the faculty advisor, and that is great thing to have both professionally and personally. You meet many students and work with them throughout the semester to help them develop their skills. You improve your communication skills, document your expertise, and give back to the UMD community.

If you would like to teach your own course, please reach out to us at! You can find more information about STICs at