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A message from ENSPire
Welcome back everyone!
Read on for an important announcement about the restructuring and rebranding of ENSPire. The main takeaway is that we will continue to plan many of the same events, but we are now operating as the ENSP Student Advisory Board, and all communications will come through the departmental listserv rather than this listserv. If you are an ENSP major, you’ll still be getting the updates about our events, they’ll just come through Angela. If you are not an ENSP major but are still interested in attending our events, we will be posting about them on the ENSP Facebook page and in the UMD ENSP Majors Facebook group, both linked at the bottom of this email. 
At the end of last semester, the ENSPire board met with Environmental Science and Policy advisor Angela Mazur-Gray for a discussion about how to restructure ENSPire to better serve the ENSP community. We collectively decided to rebrand ourselves as the Environmental Science and Policy Student Advisory Board, rather than the Environmental Science and Policy Student Association. 
First and foremost, the mission of the ENSP Student Advisory Board is still to promote a sense of community within the ENSP major and act as a voice for its students, and we will plan many of the same activities. However, ENSPire will no longer be functioning as a student club with members and general body meetings. We don't want people to feel like ENSPire is something they need to “be a part of” in order to attend events. Going forward, the board will work closely with faculty to plan events for all ENSP students to attend.
The ENSPire board will continue to be comprised of two representatives from each class, and we are adding the undergraduate TA for ENSP101/102 to the board in order to facilitate communication with the students in those courses. New representatives will apply and be chosen by the ENSP faculty, rather than elected. We will be taking applications for a new sophomore representative in September, and we will be looking for two freshman representatives in early December.  
We will still be acting as the voice of students within the department, so please reach out to us with any ideas for events, or suggestions/concerns you would like raised with the faculty. If you have any questions about the restructuring or the future of ENSPire, feel free to respond to this email!
Finally, please follow us on social media to stay updated on upcoming events!
  • Facebook Group, managed by ENSPire, created for ENSP majors (For discussions about classes/ internships/ textbooks/ opportunities to get involved etc.)
  • ENSP Facebook Page (Announcements of upcoming events/ news from the Program)
  • ENSPire Instagram

Have a great semester, and we look forward to seeing you at our events!

- The Environmental Science and Policy Student Advisory Board
Connecting ENSP students through academia, service, nature, and friendship.