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CONSERVE Paid Summer Intern Program

CONSERVE (COordinating Nontraditional Sustainable watER Use in Variable climatEs) is a Center of Excellence at the nexus of sustainable water reuse, food, and health. Our leading team of scientists and educators are investigating sources of nontraditional irrigation water that can provide safe, transformative on‐farm solutions for food crops and reduce the nation’s agricultural water challenges that are exacerbated by climate change. With projects located at universities throughout the Mid-Atlantic and Southwest, we are looking for undergraduate student interns to assist us in our research and education efforts.

We are currently looking for assistance on projects focusing on water quality analysis, on-farm water treatment technology testing, spatial analysis and mapping, consumer behavior and economics, educational media development, and farmer education and outreach.

Find out more about our opportunities by going to

There are at least 10 positions available to students!  These opportunities range from doing outreach, collecting water samples, performing lab tasks, studying food issues, and more!

The 8-week internship will start on June 17, 2019, ending on August 9, 2019. Interns will receive a stipend of $5,000. Additional funds for expenses (e.g., travel, lodging, per diem) are not provided. We are accepting applications from now until February 22, 2019.

Eligibility Criteria
Interested candidates must:
  • Be enrolled in 4-year college or university;
  • Be a rising sophomore or junior (rising seniors may also apply, but preference will be given to rising sophomores and juniors);
  • Have a 3.0 or better GPA.
International students are eligible to apply for most positions.