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Now hiring graduating seniors
Student PIRG

Student PIRG is currently hiring graduating seniors who are ready to make a difference and help us increase the youth vote in November. We are gearing up to help register 100,000 students to vote and make 250,000 Get out the Vote (GOTV) contacts in 16 states. We are also continuing our campaigns to commit states to 100% Renewable Energy, phase out the use of single use plastics and make college more affordable.

Does this sound like something you want to do post graduation? Apply today before our Winter Early Application deadline on February 26th!

Students are often at the forefront of movements to build a better future for our country. Whether or not those students make real progress depends on whether they are organized, have the skills to be effective and a strategic plan to get things done. The Student PIRGs have been working for over 40 years to amplify the power of student activism, and help students tackle some of the country’s most pressing problems. If we want to continue this legacy of helping young people make progress- we need more people, like you, to join us!

Our organizers work full-time to provide students the training, professional support and resources they need to move our country forward while also gaining campaign skills themselves. A big bonus is that you will be trained by some of the top organizers in the country. If you want a job where you can make a real impact apply today before our Winter Early Application deadline on Feb 26th.