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Global Classrooms - Summer and Fall 2020

We know you want to make a difference in the world. Global Classrooms offer innovative opportunities for forward-thinking students and faculty to learn about global challenges, collaborate with international partners, and design impactful solutions from right in College Park.

Imagine if you could...
... create a model for an AI language-learning application in Ecuador,
... use big data to explore polarizing political issues in Germany,
... advance health-related UN Sustainable Development Goals in Bangladesh,
... design agricultural technologies and education for farmers in Liberia,

... all without leaving campus?

Global Classrooms are virtual, project-based courses offered in collaboration with 25+ partner universities abroad. Learn, exchange ideas, and work with international peers to create real-world deliverables. Grow your international network of like-minded future colleagues, and make a positive impact on the planet’s biggest challenges!

Learn more: