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Adela Study Abroad Program
Latin American Studies Online Summer Program

L.A.S.O.S. is a four-week program that offers four 3- credit classes, two in English and two in Spanish. The academic component is supplemented by the Intercultural Learning Initiative, a one credit elective course that will introduce students to important cultural elements of the Río de La Plata region.

Based on their academic interest, availability, and language proficiency students can decide which class or classes are best for them!
In each class, students will have the chance to work with Argentine professors from different backgrounds and disciplines- all experts in their respective fields.
Working directly from an Argentine institution gives us a wide network of connections, helping us to bring esteemed politicians, activists, academics, and artists into our classes for interviews and guest lectures.
This innovative virtual summer program will enable the participants to have an academic and cultural study abroad experience, joining an online community of students from Latin America, the US and Canada.

A one of a kind international and intercultural online summer experience.

  • Gender, Diversity and Social Justice in Latin America
  • Human Rights Activism and Struggles for Memory and Justice in Argentina
  • Environmental and Political Challenges for a Sustainable Future
  • Afro-descendant Cultures in the Southern Cone

Read more and apply here: