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Capitol Hill Ocean Week 2020

On June 9th, 2020, the National Marine Sanctuary Foundation will host a virtual CHOW which will focus on the global issue of protecting biodiversity. Building a sustainable global economy that protects nature is critical to people’s health and well-being.  They have an outstanding speaker lineup and exciting session topics planned. The virtual platform makes it possible to transcend geography this year, and I’d like to invite your faculty and students who study environmental and marine science to join us. 

They are planning a full day of activities, including plenaries and concurrent breakout sessions on how science and technology are advancing our understanding of the marine environment, the role of protected areas in conserving biodiversity, and how to engage people as stewards of our global ocean. The speaker lineup includes luminaries in the marine world, including Acting NOAA Administrator Neil Jacobs, Rear Admiral Tim Gallaudet, former NOAA Administrator Jane Lubchenco, and National Geographic Explorer Enric Sala, top executives who are conducting cutting edge ocean research, leaders of international bodies working on climate, biodiversity and ocean governance, and top scientists and policymakers across the breadth of ocean and Great Lakes issues.

The CHOW Outreach Toolkit includes ideas for different ways to get the word out, and I’ve included a sample email/newsletter item below. You can find more information on CHOW and the full agenda on the CHOW website. Free registration and other conference details are at