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Fall 2020 update

As of 6/22/20

On June 15, President Loh released a statement regarding the state of affairs for the Fall 2020 semester. Regarding academics:

"Learning and teaching
Provost Mary Ann Rankin is working to support faculty in creating new and engaging curricula -- blended, online, and in-person -- together with co-curricular opportunities in order to maximize student learning and development. Members of our faculty have submitted more than 150 proposals to develop courses. 

Work continues to determine exactly which courses will be offered in-person, online or in a blended format and what the room assignments and daily schedule will be. We expect that some portion of upper and lower division undergraduate courses will be taught in-person with priority given to classes that particularly need in-person instruction to be maximally effective such as labs, performance courses, senior capstone projects, clinical instruction and internships. Because 6 feet of physical distancing limits the number of students that can be accommodated in a classroom, it is likely that most courses with 50 or more students will be at least partially online, while low-enrollment classes such as graduate and upper-division seminars will be good candidates for in-person instruction.

Faculty are also in workshops on personalizing and enriching the learning experience of students, regardless of the modality of course delivery. These changes, born of necessity, could end up transforming learning and teaching at UMD long after the pandemic is over.

Additional information should be available online by mid-July. Summer Session I and II instruction is being delivered remotely. We will begin the fall semester on August 31, 2020 as scheduled. Faculty are also preparing contingency plans to move entirely to online instruction after Thanksgiving break, should there be a resurgence of the pandemic in late fall. "

In sum, we are currently determining which courses will be online, blended, or in-person.  This information will be available to students mid-July.

You can read the full statement here: