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Tutoring opportunity
Serve Your City DC
Serve Your City on a virtual tutoring program serving DC Public Schools. We are a community based, black-led organization that provides resources, experiences and programs for the most underserved populations in Washington DC. Our goal is to train, teach, and inspire at-promise students by giving opportunities to those that need it the most. 

This program is addressing the need we are seeing from parents and students around advancing their education. Since DC Public Schools moved to online learning, many families are facing difficulties. For a variety of reasons, many parents and teachers are unable to give children individualized attention during this troublesome and turbulent time, making it difficult for students to excel in their studies. The spring iteration of this program engaged around 100 volunteers, and served upwards of 50 families. We are looking to expand into the summer, when we know that kids will need help to prevent the “summer slide” - they are seeking volunteers to help tutor - see flyer below for more information!