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ENSP Culture and the Environment - Restricted Electives added

We're pleased to inform you that a curriculum modification was recently approved for the Culture and the Environment concentration! This means you'll see a few additional Restricted Electives on the Degree Requirements sheet that will go into effect beginning immediately.

Here are the new courses that have been added:

Culture and Environment Restricted Electives in Anthropology
  • ADDED:  ANTH242, ANTH323, ANTH454, ANTH464 
Restricted Electives OUTSIDE Anthropology
  • ADDED:  AREC365
Culture and Environment Core Field Methods 
  • ADDED: ENSP306

The updated Degree Requirements sheet is posted on our website. Dr. Shaffer and Erik Hanson in the ANTH department helped us craft these changes and will be assisting you as you plan your upcoming course schedules. Please let us know if you have any questions.