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Paid summer internships in environmental justice at UMD

Interested students can apply now for the new Environmental Justice Summer Scholars program, which will launch in June 2022. The first paid internship opportunity available with CEEJH, the EJ Summer Scholars program is available to up to 20 undergraduate students based in the mid-Atlantic region who are passionate about environmental and climate justice.

Over 10 weeks, students will be paid $5,000 and gain skills in research, science communication, community science, capacity building and their own career planning. Workshops and training will be provided virtually, with some fieldwork experiences offered in person. Depending on skills and interests, students may help with deploying air quality sensors in partner communities, data analysis and visualization, development of educational and outreach materials, refinement of EJ mapping tools and other support for ongoing research.

Submit both parts of the application by March 15th.

I don't know anything more about the program, so you may want to contact the School of Public Health or Dr. Sacoby Wilson directly with questions: