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Summer 2022 course about bird habitat and ecology

Dr. Shannon Pederson Browne in ENST will be offering a special topics 3-credit course (ENST499 section 0304) during Summer Session IA (May 31 - June 17) that involves surveying birds that collide with buildings and their habitat. We will meet at ANSC 0538 at 6am each morning for walking transect surveying followed by lecture. This course will also involve analysis techniques using R Studio. Students will learn how to conduct a walking transect, identify birds to species-level, collect habitat data, run quantitative analysis, and write a scientific journal manuscript. No experience is required and all training will be provided. 

Students who are interested in this course should consult their academic advisor to see if this course can count as an elective and then reach out to Dr. Pederson by May 15th if interested (