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Applicants invited for MA program, environmental anthropology

Northern Illinois University’s Department of Anthropology is accepting applicants for its Master’s degree program. Dr. Emily McKee invites applicants interested in environmental anthropology, in particular. Through a partnership with NIU’s Institute for the Study of the Environment, Sustainability, and Energy, one graduate teaching assistantship is reserved for an excellent MA candidate with an environmental focus. (Additional assistantships are available for students with other specialties, as well.)

NIU offers a wealth of expertise in environmental anthropology across the subfields, including faculty research in climate change, agriculture and food systems, environmental justice, resource conflicts, spiritual ecology, and sustainability and conservation, as well as interdisciplinary environmental research.  

Please see the Anthropology graduate studies page for information on the graduate program, including program requirements, all faculty currently accepting graduate students, financial aid options, and assistantships. More information on Dr. McKee’s research agenda can be found on her faculty page, and she can be contacted at