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A message from ENSP

Wishing you all a Happy Spring Break! 

I hope this email finds you well, and that you’re finding moments of relaxation in this time of great uncertainty. I want to let you know that I’m still working my normal hours (albeit remotely) so if you need anything, please let me know. 

While I may not have all the answers to everything that’s going on in the world, I’m happy to guide you to the resources I have access to and can share.  You are encouraged to keep up with campus updates and messages at  By now, I hope you had the opportunity to read the most recent statement from UMD regarding changes to our Spring 2020 semester:

Here are a few other resources I wanted to share with you during this time of transition (click "Read more" below):

To our graduating seniors: I’m thinking of you. This is not how you envisioned your “last semester” to be, but I hope that once things have normalized, you will visit campus again and knock off a few more items on your “senior year bucket list”.  You’re an amazing group of students and I wish so much that this wasn’t happening. That being said, I want you to remember that the decisions being made, as difficult as they may be, are to protect the health and safety of our entire community.

A few weeks ago I received an email from a colleague which contained a quote that I really connected with. It originated from Arthur Ward, a faculty member at Michigan State: 

Take a moment to freak out about the semester that just got smashed to bits. But then consider this: your students are living through an extraordinary moment in US history. And you have the privilege of giving these events shape and context. Your students will remember this semester for the rest of their lives. This is a rare learning opportunity.

This semester will be (and already has been!) unusual and challenging. Take things one day at a time. You are certainly not alone in figuring things out.  We got this!

Be well, and keep in touch.