Dear ENSP students, Come get to know your faculty on April 1st from 5- 6:30 PM! The ENSPire Student Advisory Board will be hosting a “Meet Your Faculty” event in PLS1130, where you can hear from your favorite professors, advisors, and AGNR faculty about their experiences in their field + at UMD! Our panelists are Annette Spivy, Angela Mazur-Gray, Kathleen Stewart, Mark Carroll, and April Brohawn! We will have time for one-on-one conversations and networking after an initial panel. Please fill out the brief form below if you intend to attend: yy13GPQ4P6wbwY4r8 We hope to see you there! The ENSPire Board
The Spatial Ecology and Conservation Lab at the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center (SERC) is seeking an intern starting Spring 2025. The intern will support multiple components of a research project that examines the responses of the diamondback terrapin (Malaclemys terrapin) population to an active island restoration project. The Paul S. Sarbanes Ecosystem Restoration Project at Poplar Island (Poplar Island) presents a unique opportunity to understand how large-scale ecological restoration projects affect terrapin populations. The two focal components of the project are (1) evaluating the current terrapin population on Poplar Island and how the population responds as the Poplar Island’s restoration progresses, and available habitat increases and (2) continue the Terrapin Education and Research Partnership (TERP), which places hatchlings into local classrooms and evaluate the success of released hatchlings into the population. The intern will support the project by partici...